In a bid to audit its service delivery, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Malawi has carried out a service delivery survey. The survey targeted students, colleges, employers, and government. The objective of the survey is to look into service delivery gaps. Results of the survey and recommendations will be forwarded to the Council of ICAM to help in devising strategies meant to ensure that ICAM provides first class services to its members and stakeholders.

Earlier in the year, while addressing members of staff at the team building session in Liwonde, ICAM president, Henry Chowawa emphasized that for ICAM ‘satisfying the needs of its members and stakeholders was not enough. ‘ICAM is there to amaze them with superior service delivery.’

With Guidance from Council, an improvement plan will be developed and implemented in the year 2018. The framework will be periodically reviewed to ensure that the set deliverables are met.