FAQ’s [Students]

  1. How do I apply for CIFA/TECHNICIAN/CA mw qualification?

Application for CIFA or Technician can be done by enquiring in person at ICAM offices, enquiring through phone, writing a letter, email or checking registration procedures on ICAM website.

A student is required to have MANEB MSCE certificate/MANEB MSCE Notification of Results or GCE/IGSCE certificate in order to register in the Certificate in Financial Accounting (CIFA).

A student is required to have a MANEB MSCE/GCE/IGSCE certificate with Credits in English and Mathematics or PAEC/ICAM Certificate in Financial Accounting certificate to be eligible for registration into the Technician program.

2. What documents do I need to register as a student?

Well filled registration form obtained at the ICAM office or downloaded from the ICAM website, a certified copy of a certificate, two passport-size photographs, and registration fees

3. What is a Transcript and how can I obtain a Transcript?

An academic transcript is a document stating the summary of the performance of subjects that a student passed or has left with to complete the course and is processed by ICAM when a student applies for it after the actual payment is effected.  An academic transcript is applicable to any student who either completed the PAEC/ICAM qualifications, a continuing student or one whose passes have expired.

4. What is an exemption?

An exemption is an expression used when a student has a certificate which when assessed by ICAM can be granted an ok not to write the subject/subjects because there are some equivalents to ICAM qualifications

5. Why does ICAM award exemptions?

ICAM awards exemptions to students to avoid repetition of subjects that were already tackled and passed.

6. When can I apply for exemptions?

Exemptions can be applied before registration, on registration or after registration.

7. What happens when a student fails to pay the annual subscription fee?

When annual subscription fees payment closes on 31 January, a student is required to pay a re-registration fee which is much higher than the subscription fee.

8. When is a student required to pay annual subscription/renew studentship?

A student is required to pay annual subscription in January

  1. How can I create a student portal account?
  • Using any internet browser visit https://www.icam.mw and  navigate to ‘student portal’.
  • Click Register now.
  • Enter your Registration Number and Email address as shown below.
  • You will receive your password via the email address you provided, if you are not receiving the password.
  • check in your spam/junk folder otherwise email icam@icam.mw or call 0111 895 217.
  1. How can I change the default password to my preferred password?
  • Login using the password you received and navigate to User settings.
  • Enter the new password.
  • Re-enter the new password.
  • Click Change Password.
  1. I want to change to new email address, what should I do?
  • Email your Registration Number and the new email to student@icam.mw
  • I have forgotten/lost my password, what should I do?
  • Using any internet browser visit https://www.icam.mw and navigate to ‘student portal’
  • Click forgot password
  • Enter your Registration Number and Registered (Email you provided when registering on the portal) Email address
  • Remember to quote, your registration number in all correspondence to ICAM
  • Click reset, you will receive a new password
  • If you have not received the password, check in your spam/ junk folder, otherwise email to icam@icam.mw or call 0111 895 217.
  1. How do I download Examination Time Table?

Using any internet browser visit https://www.icam.mw/download

  1. I have not received my Examination Notice by Post, where else can I access it?

You can access the Examination Notice from your student portal if you have registered or you have a student portal account, remember that the Examination Notice also contains the Examination Number, Dates, Time, and Examination Centre for the examinations you were entered.

  1. How do I download the Examination Notice from my student portal account?

Using any internet browser visit https://www.icam.mw and navigate to the ‘student portal’.

Enter Your Registration Number and Password, and Click Login.

  1. How do I print the Examination Notice?

With the Examination Notice open, press Ctrl + P on your Keyboard, and click print.

  1. There is no examination Notice in my student portal account, what should I do?

Email to icam@icam.mw or call 0111 895 217, remember to quote your registration number in all correspondence to ICAM.

  1. How do I access my examination results on the website?
  • Using any internet browser visit https://www.icam.mw and navigate to ‘student portal
  • Enter your registration Number and password,
  • Click login.
  • In addition to Examination Notices and results, you can also access Past Papers, study manuals, and Examiners’ reports by clicking on relevant tabs.
  1. How do I access Past Papers, Study Manuals, and Examiners’ Reports?
  • Using any internet browser visit https://www.icam.mw and navigate to the ‘student portal’
  • Enter your registration Number and password,
  • Click login
  • Click on the Past Papers tab to download.
  • Click on Study-Manuals to download.
  • Click on Examiners’ reports to download. See the window below
  1. My results for the Past Examinations are not available in the student portal, I can only access the results for past immediate Examinations.

On the student portal you will only access the current results, this does not mean that your previous results are lost, ICAM is upgrading its system, and the new system will be able to show a history of your performance.