Member Services

ICAM provides a wide range of services to its members. Some of them are:

1 – Involving its members in professional interaction through its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities at competitive charges. CPD activities include workshops, seminars, conferences, economic symposium, and pre and post budget meetings.

2 – Continuously updating members on local and international developments in technical matters within the profession. This is enhanced through publications like ICAM Magazine, ICAM Perspective, online Ethical Updates, IFRS workshops, and regular distribution of IFAC publications to members.

3 – An interface to register with the Malawi Accountants Board (MAB) as Certified Public Accountants or Diplomate Accountants. MAB recognizes only ICAM members.

4 – Providing interface with international professional bodies i.e. IFAC and PAFA.


How to become a member

The process is simple. For Diplomate Member, please download this form

For Full Membership/Practising Members, please download this form

Kindly complete the forms and the following checklist when applying:

  1. Proposer and seconder (being members of ICAM) endorsing. For Practising, the proposer and seconder are also supposed to be existing Practising/Full members
  2. Latest Curriculum Vitae.
  3. Letter of recommendation from employer.
  4. Certified Certificate (either by an ICAM member or Commissioner for Oaths).
  5. One passport photo

ICAM’s membership is open to individuals having the required qualifications depending on the category of membership being applied for as follows:

  1. Diplomate membership
  2. Full membership
  3. Practicing membership (Auditors)

Our members benefit in a number of ways through their association with us in the following:

Use of the designation CA (M).

The following are the benefits of being CA.

  • Access to relevant continuing professional education provided by the institute at concessionary rates.
  • Opportunity to remain at the leading edge of knowledge and expertise in the fields of audit, accountancy, finance and business through the institute’s continuing professional development (CPD) programmes.
  • Access to networking opportunities among other practitioners and business leaders.
  • Access to information in both printed and electronic format.
  • Free access to the institute’s resource centre
  • Free access to adverts for positions of accountants or consultants
  • Recognition by employees as being of high repute