27th June 2023
ICAM officials on Friday, 23rd June 2023, interacted with MSCE candidates from various secondary schools during their sendoff ceremonies.
With Malawi School Certificate of Education examinations commencing on 27th June 2023, as a way to motivate and inspire the candidates on their career choices, ICAM officials participated in sendoff ceremonies at HHI Secondary School, Njamba Secondary School, Ndirande Hill Secondary School, Nayizi CDSS, Chimwakhuda CDSSS and Ndirande Hill Private Secondary School.

The ICAM officials participated in the sendoff ceremonies as guests of honour and motivational speakers. Apart from inspiring the students with their personal life journeys, the officials encouraged them to work hard during the examinations.
The motivational talks extended to the candidates’ career paths after they pass MSCE. They were equipped with knowledge and options that ICAM’s qualifications present to them namely; just after passing their MSCE, waiting for university selection, post–university selection and career after obtaining a Degree qualification

To assist students in preparing for the examinations, ICAM officials shared the candidates branded ballpoint pens during all the sendoff ceremonies.
In addition to preparing for life after writing and subsequently passing the MSCE exams, ICAM shared the candidate’s career brochures with the candidates.
ICAM believes in being part of Malawi’s education ecosystem.