CONNECT YOUR WORLD Download the Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW) Network Member logo

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What is the Chartered Accountants Worldwide Network?

It’s the combined strength of 750,000 chartered accountants and over 1 million students from 14 chartered accountancy institutes in more than 190 countries. Together we demonstrate our global commitment to the highest ethical, technical and professional standards.

What is the CAW Network Member logo?

It’s a symbol and the words ‘Chartered Accountant Worldwide Network Member’ for you to use in relevant business situations as you see fit. It isn’t a qualification or a designation, it’s simply a way to show that you are a Chartered Accountant who is part of a wider global network. 

Who can use it?

It’s for anyone who is eligible to use the Chartered Accountant designatory letters, in the case of ICAEW that’s every ACA and FCA.

  Why use it?

As a member of ICAEW you are already a Chartered Accountants Worldwide Network Member. You can connect with other members in the global network, expand your professional connections and access global resources to keep your skills up to date.

We have listened to requests from our members to show our global scale. The CAW Network Member logo will help you to show that you are part of something bigger. It will create international recognition for the chartered accountancy profession, ensuring that your qualification stands out in an increasingly competitive market.  

Our research highlighted that businesses would also welcome this as a means of identifying the best. Network membership demonstrates that you are part of a global network and also that you have the skills needed in your local market.

What do I need to do?

Simply click on this link to access the CAW Network Member logo that you can use on your stationery, website, business card, email signature and social media.

The link includes instructions and suggestions on how and where to use the CAW Network Member logo. By using the new logo you’ll be showing to the world that you are part of something bigger. The more members that use the CAW Network Member logo, the greater the recognition of the role and value of chartered accountants, so why not do it today?