- Bruce Vivian African Professionalisation Initiative – ICAM
- Dr B TCHERENI_Towards a common economic growth agenda linking the synergies
- Dr Thomas Munthali New National Development Agenda for Malawi Spearheading Wealth Creation for All
- Vickson Ncube The accountancy Profession and Africa Union’s 2063 Agenda
- Pro Lumumba Harmonising African Resources power point-1
- download Prof Lumumba Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ENQ30QVqSo&feature=youtu.be
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ENQ30QVqSo&feature=youtu.be
- download Interview Prof Lumemba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=styrvoftTvs&feature=youtu.be
2019 Lakeshore Conference Presentations